Friday, June 24, 2016

Traffic in Sri Lanka

Driving in Colombo is quite the experience!  There is a LOT of traffic ALL of the time!  It usually takes 45-60 minutes to travel from one place to the other.  (Sometimes even more!) 

Here are some reasons for this:
1.). The tuk tuk

These "taxi" drivers are all over the road!  They turn left when they signal right, they squeeze their vehicles into extremely tight spaces, they turn around in the middle of the road, and basically drive wherever, whenever they want! 

2.). The cow
They are quite literally in the middle of the road!  

3.) The roads 

Many of the roads in Sri Lanka are very narrow and cars have to wait for each other to pass.  

4.). The motorcycle

Similar to the tuk tuk, these vehicles go wherever they want and squeeze in to small openings between cars.


  1. That sounds like my driving. I would fit right in! Boys had fun picking strawberries and climbing my Apple tree.

  2. That sounds like my driving. I would fit right in! Boys had fun picking strawberries and climbing my Apple tree.

  3. The tuk tuk literally sounds slow. Just have to say autocorrect made it the yuk yuk!!
