Saturday, June 18, 2016

We made it!!

We have finally made it to Colombo!  What a journey!  We took off Thursday at 4:15pm and have arrived Saturday morning (Colombo time!)

You can see we all look refreshed and very excited to begin.  We even high fived at the end of our first flight!  I laughed and commented we were very excited to complete our short flight, we hadn't even done the 13 hour one yet!
Having some fun along the way!!



  1. Love the pictures. You all look ready for the adventure to begin!!

  2. Hi all. I love this blog. It makes me feel like I am part of your adventure - from my couch. Literally. 🤕😍

  3. Hi all. I love this blog. It makes me feel like I am part of your adventure - from my couch. Literally. 🤕😍

  4. Your pictures make it seem like I am going with you. I love it and I hope you enjoyed your first day. Sleep well.
